Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh... One More Thing...

The new blog is up and running. I'll be going through and categorizing/tagging like a mo-fo through the weekend, but I'm posting there from now on.

Sorry for the hassle, but please update your favorites, bloglines, and any links to this page. :)

Also, could someone test the comments over there? I don't know if people have to create logins or not, but I think I set it up so they don't.


Phantom Hater said...

What browser do you use? I can't view anything on the new blog but titles using IE 6.0.

Stuck said...

I use Firefox. I just checked it with IE and you're right. It's totally jacked up. The font is giant and the text is white. Guess I'll have to figure that out.

Stuck said...

Well, I fixed the header by taking my banner image out, but the sidebar keeps dropping way down to the bottom for some reason. I'll have to keep working on it, but at least I know that I need to check how it looks in IE now.

Virginia Belle said...

i have the same problems with my blog. but i just tell my readers to use firefox instead of IE.

i have no idea how to fix it! *shrugs*

so why did you decide to move? just curious.

just updated my blogroll.